Toggles the sticky launcher detonate fail sound.
Toggles the sticky launcher detonate fail sound.
Toggles the sticky launcher detonate success sound.
Toggles the stickybomb explosion sound.
Controls the amount of time (in seconds) a stickybomb needs to be charged before playing a more powerful version of the sticky shot sound.
Toggles the stickybomb launcher firing sound.
Determines how long it takes for stickybombs to start being drawn after spawning.
A trigger volume that causes stickybombs to bounce when colliding with any surface.
A trigger volume that can stick explosives to or inside of its area.
Method of explosive stick (mode<choices>)
Explosive sticking behavior.
Defaults to 0.
Sticks all explosives in this area.
Unsticks all explosives in this area.
Explodes all explosives in this area.
Fizzles all explosives in this area.
...A trigger that controls the maximum number of stickybombs the player is allowed to shoot.
Stickybomb limit (stickybomb_limit<integer>)
The maximum number of stickybombs the player is allowed to have present while in this trigger. Values are 2-20. Default is 3.
Persist (persist<choices>)
Whether the limit persists on leaving the trigger, or resets back to 3. Default is 0.