

Trigger that prompts the player to press up to three keys inside it’s volume.

Keyvalues #

Key that fires (lookedkey<choices>)

  • Forward (0)
  • Back (1)
  • Move Left (2)
  • Move Right (3)
  • Jump (4)
  • Duck (5)
  • Attack (6)
  • Attack 2 (7)
  • Reload (8)
  • Speed (9)
  • Walk (10)

The default value is 0.

Second key to use that fires, if held down at the same time as other keys (lookedkey2<choices>)

  • None (0)**
  • Forward (1)
  • Back (2)
  • Move Left (3)
  • Move Right (4)
  • Jump (5)
  • Duck (6)
  • Attack (7)
  • Attack 2 (8)
  • Reload (9)
  • Speed (10)
  • Walk (11)

The default value is 0.

Third key to use that fires, if held down at the same time as other keys (lookedkey3<choices>)

  • None (0)
  • Forward (1)
  • Back (2)
  • Move Left (3)
  • Move Right (4)
  • Jump (5)
  • Duck (6)
  • Attack (7)
  • Attack 2 (8)
  • Reload (9)
  • Speed (10)
  • Walk (11)

The default value is 0.

Negate (negate<choices>)

  • No (0)
  • Yes (1)

If true, the keys fire when held rather than not held. Default is 0.

Prompt Message (message%lt;string>)

Message that displays to players for prompts.

Player Speed (playerspeed%lt;float>)

On prompt, the players speed will be changed by this factor. Default is 0.1.

Player Zoom Rate (zoomrate%lt;float>)

The time (in seconds) to move between player FOV and the zoomfov. Default is 0.2.

Player Zoom FOV (zoomfov%lt;integer>)

The FOV to zoom into on prompt. Use 0 to not zoom. Default is 0.

Output #


Fires when the desired key is pressed.


Fires when the desired key is held.


Fires when the desired key is released.

folder-open-outline Categories: entity