

A trigger for setting the speed of the player in a particular axis or direction. If you want to change the player’s velocity, use a push trigger instead. If you want to send the player in a specific direction, use a catapult instead.

Keyvalues #

Keep horizontal speed (KeepHorizontalSpeed<integer>)

Whether or not the trigger affects the player’s horizontal (x/y axis) speed:

  • 0: Affects horizontal speed. (Default)
  • 1: Does not affect horizontal speed.

Keep vertical speed (KeepVerticalSpeed<integer>)

Whether or not the trigger affects the player’s vertical (z axis) speed:

  • 0: Affects vertical speed. (Default)
  • 1: Does not affect vertical speed.

Horizontal speed amount (HorizontalSpeedAmount<float>)

The horizontal speed to set the player to. Defaults to 500u/s.

Vertical speed amount (VerticalSpeedAmount<float>)

The vertical speed to set the player to. Defaults to 100u/s.

Direction (Direction<angle>)

The direction of the speed applied. Only the yaw is used as the vertical speed is determined by the vertical speed amount. Defaults to 0 0 0.

Update every intervals (OnThink<integer>)

If the trigger should update every interval:

  • 0: Do not update every interval. (Default)
  • 1: Update every interval.

Interval (Interval<float>)

The length of an interval in seconds. Defaults to 1.0s.

Every tick (EveryTick<integer>)

If the trigger should update every tick:

  • 0: Do not update every tick. (Default)
  • 1: Update every tick.
tag-outline Tags: trigger
folder-open-outline Categories: entity