

A trigger volume that modifies the velocity of players that touch it. This allows mappers to change how and when the velocity is applied, providing more customization than the normal trigger_push.

Keyvalues #

Track Number (track_number<integer>)

The track that this zone belongs to:

  • -1: All Tracks
  • 0: Main Map
  • 1+: Bonus Tracks

Push Direction (Pitch Yaw Roll) (pushdir<angle>)

Defines the direction at which the player will be pushed.

Force of the push (force<integer>)

General force of the push (velocity in units per second). Ignored if the “Use the direction vector as final force instead of calculating it by force amount” flag is set.

Push mode (increase<choice>)

Defines how the velocity should be applied to the player.

  • 0; Set velocity: Sets the player’s velocity to exactly the force defined in the entity.
  • 1; Add velocity: Adds the velocity from the push on top of the user’s current velocity.
  • 2; Set velocity if lower: Sets the player’s velocity to exactly the force defined in the entity but only when the player is moving slower than the push defined.
  • 3; Add velocity if lower: Adds the velocity from the push on top of the user’s current velocity but only when the player is moving slower than the push defined.
  • 4; Basevelocity: Sets the basevelocity of the player like a trigger_multiple boost would.
  • 5; Variable push: Applies an increasing/decreasing (can be a curve) impulse every tick over a specified duration.

Default is “Add velocity if lower”; 3.

Variable push duration (varpushduration<float>)

Duration of a variable push in seconds. Ignored if “Push mode” is not “Variable Push”. Default is 1.

Variable push bias (varpushbias<float>)

The curve bias of a variable push. Higher values bias the curve towards the end. 0.5 is linear. Ignored if “Push mode” is not “Variable Push”. Default is linear; 0.5.

Variable push mode (varpushincrease<choices>)

Defines whether the variable push increases or decreases over its duration. Ignored if “Push mode” is not “Variable Push”. Default is decreasing; 0.

  • 0; Decreasing:
  • 1; Increasing:

Flags #

Only allow for one touch before resetting (1048576)
Only allows users to use the boost once before it resets them. This prevents exploits like cboosting.
(Enabled by default)

Modify player velocity on StartTouch (2097152)
Applies the push to the player when they first enter the trigger (OnStartTouch output).
(Disabled by default)

Modify player velocity on EndTouch (4194304)
Applies the push to the player when they leave the trigger (OnEndTouch output).
(Enabled by default)

Use the direction vector as final force instead of calculating it by force amount (524288)
Uses the Push Direction value as a value for force instead of using it as an angle alongside the Force of the push.
(Enabled by default)

tag-outline Tags: push trigger
folder-open-outline Categories: entity