

Filter that checks the player’s velocity.

Keyvalues #

Mode (Mode<choices>)

Sets the mode to use for velocity comparisons.

  • 0: Total velocity
  • 1: Per-axis

Default is “Total velocity”; 0.

Above/Below (Above<choices>)

Sets whether to check if the player goes above or below the given velocity.

  • 0: Below
  • 1: Above

Default is “Above”; 1.

Enable Vertical (EnableVertical<choices>)

Check vertical velocity. Only used when “Mode” is “Total velocity”.

  • 0: No
  • 1: Yes

Default is “No”; 0.

Enable Horizontal (EnableHorizontal<choices>)

Check horizontal velocity. Only used when “Mode” is “Total velocity”.

  • 0: No
  • 1: Yes

Default is “No”; 0.

Vertical velocity (VerticalVelocity<float>)

The amount of units per second for vertical (Z axis) speed. Default is 500.

Horizontal velocity (HorizontalVelocity<float>)

The amount of units per second for horizontal (XY axis) speed. Default is 1000.

Use Absolute Value (IgnoreSign<choices>)

Whether to check the absolute value of the velocity components. Only used when “Mode” is “Per-axis”.

  • 0: No
  • 1: Yes

Default is “No”; 0.

Per-axis Velocity (VelocityVector<vector>)

The velocity vector for when “Mode” is “Per-axis”. Default is 0 0 0.

Per-axis Enable (VelocityAxes<vector>)

Defines which axes to use when checking velocity. Zero means the corresponding axis is ignored. Only used when “Mode” is “Per-axis”. Default is all axes off; 0 0 0.

tag-outline Tags: filter
folder-open-outline Categories: entity