The number of parallel map downloads if
is enabled.
The number of parallel map downloads if
is enabled.
Adds a command or convar to be executed on start of the map currently being played.
mom_mapcfg_add mom_mapcfg_print
If this is done while in a map, mom_mapcfg_print
will execute whenever that map is loaded.
Recursion is blocked. That is, `mom_mapcfg_add mom_mapcfg_add` will do nothing.
Clears the commands/variables in the mapcfg for the current map.
Prints out the commands/variables stored in the mapcfg for the current map.
Toggles the safeguard for changing map during a run.
Confirmation will be requested via a popup if set to 1 (on) and the timer is running.
Trigger that prevents the player from doing specific keypress movements.
Track Number (track_number<integer>)
The track that this trigger belongs to:
Prevent the player from moving forward (8192)
(Disabled by default)
Prevent the player from moving to the left (16384)
(Disabled by default)
Prevent the player from moving to the right (32768)
Trigger that allows for multiple hops inside of it, and teleports the player if they stay inside for longer than the hold time.
Remote Destination (target<target_destination>)
The entity specifying the point to which the player should be teleported.
Local Destination Landmark (landmark<target_destination>)
When “Teleport mode” is “Landmark teleport”, teleported entities are offset from the target by their initial offset from the landmark (this entity).
Velocity Scale Factor (X Y Z) (velocityscale<vector>)
Trigger that teleports the player after only one entry, or if they stay inside for longer than the hold time.
Remote Destination (target<target_destination>)
The entity specifying the point to which the player should be teleported.
Local Destination Landmark (landmark<target_destination>)
When “Teleport mode” is “Landmark teleport”, teleported entities are offset from the target by their initial offset from the landmark (this entity).
Velocity Scale Factor (X Y Z) (velocityscale<vector>)
Used for storing a discrete progress number in the player.
Progress Number (progress_number<integer>)
Fired when the player touches this trigger.
Trigger that prompts the player to press up to three keys inside it’s volume.
Key that fires (lookedkey<choices>)
The default value is 0.
Second key to use that fires, if held down at the same time as other keys (lookedkey2<choices>)
The default value is 0.