

Clears the current stage zone’s saved start location if there is one. Optionally accepts a stage number.

Usage Example #


Clears the current stage zone’s start mark.

mom_start_mark_clear 5

Clears stage 5’s start mark.


Clears the current track’s saved start location if there is one. Optionally accepts a track number.

Usage Example #


Clears the start mark on the current track.

mom_start_mark_clear 2

Clears the start mark on track 2.


If in a start zone, creates a start mark (a customized starting location/angle) for the current track. Start marks are saved with savelocs in momentum/savedlocs.txt.

If in a stage zone, creates a temporary start mark which is wiped every run.


Stops recording zones and makes the trick. Takes the name for it as a parameter. This will be saved out to a file named after the map (<mapname>.tricks) inside the zones/ folder.