

Teleport to a given lobby member given their Steam ID or name. The target must be on the same map.

Usage Examples #

mom_lobby_teleport aaa

Teleports to player with name aaa, aaaa, aaab, etc.

mom_lobby_teleport 99999999999999999

Teleports to player with steam ID 99999999999999999.


Adds a command or convar to be executed on start of the map currently being played.

Usage Example #

mom_mapcfg_add mom_mapcfg_print

If this is done while in a map, mom_mapcfg_print will execute whenever that map is loaded.

Recursion is blocked. That is, `mom_mapcfg_add mom_mapcfg_add` will do nothing.


Toggles practice mode, allowing the player to fly around in noclip. The player keeps their position and velocity when toggled off. Additionally, holding the jump key in this mode prevents the player from being teleported.

If toggled on during a run,

  • the timer will continue to tick
  • when toggled off, the player will be teleported back to the position where they first toggled it on