Goes backwards through the saveloc list, while teleporting the player to each.
Goes backwards through the saveloc list, while teleporting the player to each.
Teleports to a given map tele by index, which is 1-based.
Creates a map teleport of a given name.
Teleports the player to the start zone of the given trick.
Trigger that teleports the player to their last touched trigger_momentum_progress
Remote Destination (target<target_destination>)
Ignored for this trigger.
Local Destination Landmark (landmark<target_destination>)
When “Teleport mode” is “Landmark teleport”, teleported entities are offset from the target by their initial offset from the landmark (this entity).
Velocity Scale Factor (X Y Z) (velocityscale<vector>)
Scale the player’s velocity per-axis. Default is “1 1 1”.
Teleport mode (mode<choices>)
Mode of teleportation.
...A trigger volume that teleports entities that touch it. Entities are teleported to the Remote Destination.
Remote Destination (target<target_destination>)
The entity specifying the point to which the player should be teleported.
Local Destination Landmark (landmark<target_destination>)
When “Teleport mode” is “Landmark teleport”, teleported entities are offset from the target by their initial offset from the landmark (this entity).
Velocity Scale Factor (X Y Z) (velocityscale<vector>)