
Chat Commands

This guide covers all of the supported chat commands and potential inputs they have. These commands can be entered in chat at any time regardless of being in a lobby or not.

All commands are activated by using "/" or "!" or "." and then the trigger keywords listed below. Example: "/spec" or ".spec" or "!spec" all trigger the "Spectate Player" command.
Do not make "say binds"!! Instead, prefer to create binds to the linked commands. There will never be any exclusive chat commands; they all directly tie to console commands/variables!



Starts spectating. Starts in free roam spectate mode if there are no active ghosts (players) on your map.

Takes an optional parameter that is either the steam ID or name of the player to spectate.

Usage Examples #


Starts spectating.

mom_spectate <player-name-here>

Starts spectating player with matching player name. For example, mom_spectate aaa

would start spectating player aaa.

mom_spectate <steam-ID-here>

Starts spectating the player with matching steam ID. For example,
