A brush entity that allows the player to slide across the surface of it without friction.
Keep player on slide surface (StayOnSlide<boolean>)
Keep the player attached to the slide surface (for example, when sliding down ground of increasing steepness).
Allow jumping (AllowJump<boolean>)
Allow the player to jump while sliding. The player is still required to be on a surface that is not too steep to stand on in order to jump.

NOTE: Depreciated, use func_slide
A trigger volume that allows the player to slide across the surface of a brush without friction.
This must be placed above the brush in order for the slide to work.
Track Number (track_number<integer>)
The track that this zone belongs to:
- -1: All Tracks
- 0: Main Map
- 1+: Bonus Tracks
Stick player to ground (StuckOnGround<integer>)
Forces the player to stay on the ground throughout the slide trigger, even if it suddenly curves downwards or launches the player upwards.