Point Entity


This page covers the various additions and enhancements from Mapbase.

Filters #

Added the following Mapbase filters:

  • filter_activator_context
  • filter_activator_involume
  • filter_activator_keyfield
  • filter_activator_model
  • filter_activator_surfacedata

Logic Entities #

Added the following logic entities from Mapbase:

  • point_camera_ortho
  • math_vector
  • math_mod
  • math_lightpattern
  • math_generate
  • math_counter_advanced
  • math_clamp
  • math_bits
  • logic_sequence
  • logic_keyfield
  • logic_format
  • logic_entity_position
  • logic_datadesc_accessor
  • logic_convar
  • logic_context_accessor
  • logic_console
  • game_globalvars

Descriptions of these can be found on Mapbase’s entity list.

Skyboxes #

New features for sky_camera, including multiple sky_camera’s. Also skybox_swapper for swapping the 2D skybox texture without having to reload the map.



Generic Bomb

Keyvalues #

Explosion Damage (damage<float>)

Amount of damage to do when exploding. The default value is 50.

Explosion Radius (radius<float>)

Explosion radius. The default value is 100.

Health (health<integer>)

Health of the bomb. The default value is 1.

Explosion Sound (sound<sound>)

Name of the sound effect to play when exploding.

Input #

input Detonate(void)

Force detonation.

Output #


Fired when this bomb detonates.



This entity can be used to give the player ammo.

Keyvalues #

Reset Time (ResetTime<float>)

The amount of time in seconds before a weapon can be picked up again. If this value is negative, then the spawner will only give a weapon once.

Ammo Name (AmmoName<string>)

Name of the ammo type to give the player. Must be one of the names listed on Ammo System.

Pickup Ammo (PickupAmmo<integer>)



This entity gives the player the damage boost effect in defrag.

Keyvalues #

Reset Time (ResetTime<float>)

The amount of time in seconds before the powerup can be picked up again. If this value is negative, then the powerup can only be picked up once.

Damage Boost Time (DamageBoostTime<float>)

The amount of time in seconds for the damage boost effect to last. If this value is negative, then the effect is indefinite and will last until changed to be finite or 0.



This entity gives the player the haste effect in defrag.

Keyvalues #

Reset Time (ResetTime<float>)

The amount of time in seconds before the powerup can be picked up again. If this value is negative, then the powerup can only be picked up once.

Haste Time (HasteTime<float>)

The amount of time in seconds for the haste effect to last. If this value is negative, then the effect is indefinite and will last until changed to be finite or 0.



This entity can be used to give the player a weapon and ammo for that weapon.

Keyvalues #

Reset Time (ResetTime<float>)

The amount of time in seconds before a weapon can be picked up again. If this value is negative, then the spawner will only give a weapon once.

Weapon Name (WeaponName<string>)

Name of the weapon to give the player. Must be one of the names listed on Weapon System.
