Whether to try and replace error textures with more meaningful ones for gameplay (see also
0: Off, default error texture
1: Base color based on VRAD reflectivity data applied to texture specified in mat_error_texture_advanced_basetexture
2: Same as 1 but also replace water, grates and glass with meaningful textures
Which texture should be used as a base for reflectivity-based error textures (see
mat_error_texture_advanced_basetexture "white"
mat_error_texture_advanced_basetexture "dev/reflectivity_60"
Replace every non-translucent texture with error texture.
surf_utopia_njv with mat_error_texture_replace set to 1
Error texture to use on world geometry.
0: Unlit purple error texture
1: Grey lightmapped error texture
Error texture to use on cubemaps.
0: unlit purple-black
1: black
2: engine/defaultcubemap